About Us

Background information

The establishment of National Council for Nomadic Education in Kenya (NACONEK) was informed by twin documents of Nomadic Education in Kenya, 2010 and Session Paper No. 14 of 2012. Further, the Council was established under Section 94 (1) and the 6th Schedule of the Basic Education Act of 2013 and officially launched in May 2015. The Council is a Semi-Autonomous Government Agency in the State Department of Basic Education of the Ministry of Education.

Legal Status of NACONEK

The establishment of NACONEK is contained in;

  • Sessional Paper No. 2 of 2015 on reforming education and training sector in Kenya
  • Sessional Paper No.8 of October 2012 on the “Policy for suitable development of Northern Kenya and other arid lands” releasing our full potential”
  • The Basic Education Act 2013, section 94 and the Sixth 6th Schedule
  • The Policy Framework for Nomadic Education in Kenya, 2010
  • The National Education Sector Strategic Plan (NESSP)
  • The Constitution of Kenya, 2010
  • Article 56(b) also stipulates that “…. the state shall put in place affirmative action programs designed to ensure that minorities and marginalised groups are provided with special opportunities in education and economic fields”

Basic Education Act 2013, Section 39 (C) states that it shall be the duty of the Cabinet Secretary to…. ensure that children belonging to marginalized, vulnerable or disadvantaged groups are not discriminated against and prevented from pursuing and completing basic education.”