The global Sustainable Development Goal No. 4 aims at “Ensuring Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education and Lifelong learning for all by 2030”.  It calls for closer attention to hard to reach groups, gender equality, girls and women and the marginalized. The nomadic regions, Pockets of Poverty areas and Urban Informal Settlements of Kenya are identified as the most marginalized and hard to reach with conventional education. The government of Kenya has since independence committed itself to provisions of education to all its citizen as a national duty and partly in line with fulfilling its international commitment in education agenda.

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The Council envisions to have “a well–educated population in the nomadic regions, pockets of poverty areas and urban informal settlements proactively engaged in the transformation of Kenya”.


The Council strives on a daily routine “to coordinate and strengthen the management, administration and delivery of quality basic education to populations in the ASAL areas, pockets of poverty regions and urban informal settlements of Kenya.”


While discharging its mandate, the Council upholds the following core values:

    • Respect for the right of the child
    • Integrity
    • Team work
    • Transparency and accountability
    • Professionalism
    • Respect of diversity
    • Gender equity
    • Continual learning

NACONEK works tirelessly to Initiate the development, implementation and review of policies on all matters relating to education and mobilize resources for ASAL areas, Pockets of Poverty regions, and Urban Informal Settlements in Kenya, ensuring accessible and quality education for all.