The National Council for Nomadic Education in Kenya (NACONEK) is a Semi-Autonomous
Government Agency (SAGA) under the Ministry of Education. The purpose of establishing the
council was primarily to bridge the education disparities, characteristic of the ASAL (purely
nomadic) regions, pockets of poverty (within the ASALs) areas and Urban Informal Settlements
of Kenya.

download our service charter


A well–educated population in the nomadic regions, pockets of poverty areas and urban informal settlements proactively engaged in the transformation of Kenya.


To coordinate and strengthen the management, administration and delivery of quality basic education to populations in the ASAL areas, pockets of poverty regions and urban informal settlements of Kenya.”

Core Values

In carrying out its mandate, the Council upholds the following core values: Respect for the right of the child Integrity Team work Transparency and accountability Professionalism Respect of diversity Gender equity Continual learning
